MaaS evaluated Pimcore for the feasibility of modernizing its workloads into Azure PaaS Services and performed a hybrid modernization migration to Microsoft Azure.


  • VM flavor sizing based on utilization trends.

  • Cloud modernization advisories.

  • Faster time to Cloud modernization.

  • Zero-point synchronization of data post migration till cutover.

Product Information Management

Modernization to PaaS Services on Microsoft Azure

Pimcore is the leading open-source platform for managing digital data and a fully integrated software stack for CMS, DAM, PIM, and Commerce. Corent identified that hosting Pimcore on Microsoft Azure would help organizations with rapid application development and building customer solutions really fast.

Architecture Diagram:

This application was developed using PHP platform as a single-tier application and hosted on Apache HTTP web server with MySQL as database server.


  • Need to identify suitable workloads in Pimcore application for Cloud modernization such as PaaS.
  • Suitable VM flavors on Microsoft Azure must be identified taking into account the resource utilization of the application.
  • Appropriate deployment model for the application on Microsoft Azure must be developed based on business needs.
  • After migration, application resources on Cloud—VM and PaaS—must be configured accordingly to make Pimcore up and running.
Under Corent’s OpenSaaS Initiative, several open-source applications were converted into SaaS. Some of the applications were selected for modernization and Pimcore was one among them to be selected, assessed, and modernized.


  • Application was scanned and suitable PaaS advisories were provided for database workloads.
  • MaaS gathered the application's performance & utilization data and analyzed it to recommend the most suitable VM flavors on Cloud.
  • MaaS helped to explore several operational considerations covering the available software patterns and to narrow down the perfect Cloud deployment model for Pimcore on Cloud.
  • An hybrid migration—including re-platforming and PaaS—with proper configuration was performed by MaaS automatically and Pimcore was made operational on Microsoft Azure.


Using MaaS, Pimcore application along with its databases were migrated successfully to Microsoft Azure, including Azure PaaS services. Before the migration, a detailed compatibility check of databases was performed to identify suitable PaaS versions. This planned approach enabled a rapid modernization of Pimcore on Microsoft Azure and provided organizations with unmatched flexibility to build, extend, and scale their data and experience management applications.