Employee welfare is not a noun but a verb at Corent

At Corent, we measure productivity against a tougher touchstone—job satisfaction—than mere output. The reason is quite simple; research has shown that employee productivity is directly proportional to job satisfaction, which is a composite of emotional, physical, and financial well-being. We believe in the TEAM (together, everyone achieves more) philosophy, but with a twist. Our team comprises the family of our staff, too.

Continuing healthcare

The other day, we had the eye specialists from Lawrence and Mayo visit our Chennai premises. On the slightly overcast day, our office experienced a pitter-patter of different ilk, those of little children accompanying their parents for the free eye camp. Accompanying some were their grandparents, who, too, had been extended the benefit. It was the day the birds calling the trees lining our avenue their home met a worthy rival!

Munching on an endless supply of chocolates and toffees and treats, the kids, along with their elders, got their eyes tested for free and received specialist opinions on eyesight and care. While this wasn’t an isolated health camp—there have been many, and more will come—the underlying thought process was to align our core principles with our employees’ aspirations and help them cement the belief that for us, they come first.

All employees—freshers or veterans—know well Corent’s guiding principles:

  1. Health First
  2. Family at Center
  3. Committed Work

Of lunch and dinner

Whoever said there is no free lunch in the world probably never visited our cafeteria! A whole lineup of health drinks and the choicest breakfast greets employees, reinforcing that skipping the day’s first meal is not an option. Add a carefully curated lunch menu to that, and you get the drift. Irrespective of your designation or stature, you break bread with everyone and enjoy it with butter and jam, for we believe that a family that eats together stays together.

The hot, freshly cooked, and free-of-cost lunch served daily is part of a two-pronged strategy. First, providing a healthy lunch option without straining the wallet of the employees. Secondly, saving the better halves back home from fretting over what to pack for the officegoer. While the employees get the best of food, family members rest assured that their dear ones won’t run on fumes!

Nappa (read on to learn more about this) is an inviting option for those craving a siesta. However, our tree-lined avenue is a great hit among those seeking a calm walk post-lunch. Did we talk about our employee-managed roof-top garden, whose produce is equitably distributed among the tenders and their friends?

So, is our cafeteria limited to lunchtime servings? No. Those working late at night never worry about food options, for we take care of it, too. No one ever reported working late at the office and straining to find a restaurant to satiate their late-night food cravings.

Prioritizing health, always

Healthy and focused employees are known to work more effectively. In conjunction with our family-at-the-center policy, our insistence and enablement of a healthy team have worked for us. We have a notably lesser number of employees taking time off work for health reasons. At the same time, the incidence of people going beyond the call of duty is high.

Over the years, we have found that our health-first policy has been a critical driver of employee retention. Our dedicated health and family-centric activities have fostered a culture of mutual respect, where employees feel valued and supported and reward us by exceeding expectations. This has been a critical metric of our success, which higher retention and lower attrition testify.  

Besides, by fostering a culture of healthy habits, we have improved employee engagement while reducing absenteeism. When we reopened after the forced closure triggered by Covid- 19, we instituted some of the most stringent mechanisms to monitor employee health. This way, we clamped down on activities that could have triggered a large-scale scare.

Leaving employees to fend for themselves is something we do not endorse at Corent. We were among the very few organizations to hold vaccination drives on our premises. The cost was fully borne by the management. Needless to say, even family members were extended the option of getting the shots.

The story behind sleep

We are big on giving weary souls optimum rest. That’s why we decided that a sizeable portion of our real estate should be devoted to ensuring that the tired get optimal rest. This idea took shape in the form of the Nappa room, where those with droopy eyelids retire for a well-deserved break. The near soundproof room with blinds to block any light is both calming and reassuring. The bunks get sanitized daily, and the linen is always clean.

Nappa also serves the critical purpose of ensuring employee safety post-work. It’s a rule at our place that the managers insist hardworking employees catch a wink at Nappa before calling it a day. This way, we ensure that the weary do not drive back home drowsy or with less-than-optimal attention.

The summing up

The white heat of the office room can cause stress. Realizing the importance of making stress-release mechanisms accessible, we instituted an open-door policy for employees to vent their feelings. Also, the numerous strategically placed exercycles and treadmills make equipment accessible to employees at the time and location of their choice. Sweating it out is known to address stress levels!

Higher productivity, lower absenteeism, high retention, and low attrition suggest that our health-first policy is successful. Besides the material and creature comforts on our premises, we offer a comprehensive health insurance package.

We are steadfast in our commitment to creating a conducive environment for our employees to thrive. We take job satisfaction seriously and strive to ensure our employees enjoy a healthy work and mind space. For us, a satisfied employee is a productive employee.

Would you like to elevate your career while maintaining a fine work-life balance? Send your resume now.

Edited By Shafi Syed. May 16, 2023

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