For companies searching for solutions to trim operational expenses without hindering efficiency, Platform as a Service (PaaS) offers several benefits. Companies can hire compute power, storage, networking infrastructure, OSes, and middleware on the Cloud as part of PaaS services. This arrangement offers companies on-demand access to applications and tools to perform various tasks, including development and testing.
The problem with choosing
Choosing the right fit of services under the PaaS model is easier said than done. Most companies often end up under or overprovisioning resources without a thorough understanding of their requirements, needs, and aspirations. It may have a bearing on the company’s budget, hampering its growth. However, Corent’s Migration as a Service (MaaS™) cuts through the complexities to ease decision-making by accurately assessing the current environment and offering advisories to make informed choices.
How MaaS™ helps companies make the right choice
MaaS™ is the sum of several specialized components. All these components streamline the migration process while offering a pertinent, incisive, and insightful view into the existing environment viz-a-viz the proposed landing zone in the Cloud. MaaS PaaSify™ is an innovative offering from Corent, exclusively designed to help customers modernize their applications to leverage PaaS. PaaSify fast tracks the migration of applications and databases to App PaaS Service and DBaaS, respectively.
The prospects
A recent Markets and Markets research predicted that the PaaS market will likely grow from US$ 56.2 billion in 2020 to US$ 164.3 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 19.6% during the forecast period. With more companies opting for PaaS, system integrators and service providers would do well to incorporate PaaS transition as a mainstream offering to tap into the expanding market.
In its insightful exposition on the seven mission-critical factors to harnessing Cloud’s true potential, researchers at PwC said most adept Cloud operators constantly experiment and measure results in real-time. They move forward and shift to other areas without regret, creating the agility that feeds innovation. For over a decade, Corent has helped partners tune their offerings with emerging market trends and innovate to stay in the reckoning.
How can Corent’s innovative solutions PaaSify environments?
MaaS PaaSify™ is the only Cloud migration platform that lets customers migrate any application and its databases to PaaS services on the Cloud. PaaSify™ solutions are not restrictive, as the power to choose the PaaS services that suit your different workloads remains with you.
With PaaSify™, you can analyze any application, identify the list of compatible PaaS services, and automate the migration to a re-architected deployment topology that suits your business requirements.

PaaSify™ scans and assesses an environment to identify the workloads and charts a feasible course for migration. Its recommendations and advisories are based on real-world data collected based on the environment’s requirements or customers’ specific needs. The customization of scan and assessment processes allows customers to be always in complete control of their data.
Corent accords high priority to data sanctity. Security is baked into all our solutions to help customers meet the highest compliance standards. PaaSify™ is an AI-powered solution using dependency mapping to identify inter-server and workload dependencies. In conjunction with Strategic Planning, the Move Group Analysis feature of PaaSify™ helps migrate related dependencies without guzzling resources. This comes in handy for SIs and service providers handling the portfolios of resource-strapped SMBs.
PaaSify™ ensures that enterprises suffer zero downtime during their transition while offering the benefits of scalability and location compliance. The auto backup and recovery features enable a seamless and hassle-free migration.
The advisories that matter
MaaS™ smart advisories help customers identify compatible PaaS services available on Cloud (App PaaS Services and DBaaS) for their workloads and databases. The advisories help them plan for an effective PaaS integration. Also, they can compare the cost of different PaaS services available on multiple Clouds using our Cloud feasibility reports.
MaaS™ issues advisories for the following workloads:

Salient features of PaaSify™
Analyze Application DNA
PaaSify helps you analyze applications and their components to build a complete dependency map. With our Move Group Analysis, you can prioritize and plan to effectively integrate PaaS services during migration.
This feature is a countervailing measure to the industry pain point of identifying suitable workloads for PaaS migration. Not all workloads get built with PaaS integration in mind. PaaSify™ helps SIs and SPs pinpoint appropriate workloads and provides a list of PaaS offerings.
Automate Migration
Re-architect your application by replacing workloads and databases with suitable PaaS. SIs can create a single migration plan on MaaS for different PaaS like DBaaS and App PaaS Services, which integrate with their application during migration. Once configured, they can migrate to the selected PaaS with zero downtime.
Multiple Database PaaS Options
Customers can migrate their database server to Cloud either as a standalone database PaaS service or as a managed database instance to accelerate migration without changing the application code.
Go Serverless
Deploy web applications such as Java or .NET on Cloud as a fully managed platform by selecting appropriate App PaaS Services while creating the migration plan using MaaS™. Migrate to these App PaaS Services seamlessly in a short period and enjoy numerous benefits like zero-downtime deployment, custom domain, and load balancing.
One of the significant benefits of PaaS is its cost-effectiveness. It offsets the financial burden of investing in costly infrastructure by making available the infrastructure at a fraction of the cost. Customers can scale operations and focus on development by opting for the pay-as-you-go model. As developers are freed from the arduous task of maintaining, upgrading, or replacing systems, their productivity rises, and so does the quality of their output. By opting for PaaS, customers can hit the ground running. By commanding resources at will, they can start testing and implementing new applications quickly.
PaaSify™ holds several benefits for businesses seeking to leverage PaaS. As businesses focus more on automation and agility, the adoption of PaaS will likely spike in the days to come. PaaSify™ democratizes PaaS solutions by enabling companies on tight budgets to maximize their revenue by offering advisories that gel well with their outlay and aspirations.
Get in touch with us to find out the best ways to tap into the vast possibilities of PaaS.

Edited By Shafi Syed. December 26, 2022